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Learn more about trauma so you can process it and find a path to recovery and healing.

What is trauma?

Learn more about trauma so you can process it and find a path to recovery.

How to Lament: A prayer for times like these

Free Resources

Lament: A prayer for times like these

An easy-to-use resource that helps people cry out to God when they are in pain.

It often feels difficult to pray in times when we are experiencing deep suffering. The Bible does not say we have to be happy all the time. In fact, the Bible has a blueprint for a kind of prayer that helps us pour out our pain to God.

Additional resources

to help you recover from trauma types like abuse, natural disasters, and more.

Reading Plan

Caregiver Cards

Healing from Trauma

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Life-changing results

Trauma has caused me to think so little of myself at a core level. This program helped me delve very deep into what trauma does and how strong the heart wounds are. It has helped me to grow stronger and more loving toward myself. The Scriptures have been invaluable in informing me of how God wants and helps to heal us.

Denise, Small Group Participant