Healing from Trauma happens in community through small groups.
the power of small groups
At Trauma Healing Institute, we know from experience that healing happens through community.
We have research to prove the effectiveness of our Healing Groups to decrease PTSD symptoms and increase feelings of meaning, purpose, and closeness to God.
When we go through painful experiences, they can become an obstacle that keeps us from connecting with God, engaging with Scripture, and living full, abundant lives.
We need each other — to listen, to tell our stories, to connect with each other, and to heal together. It's the way God designed us.
Take the first step in your healing journey today.
Everyone who suffers can find healing, no matter where they are or why they are in pain.
Healing Groups provide a way for thousands of hurting people to experience healing and hope every year.
A group meets together in a safe place, where they can help each other heal.
Here’s how our THI methodology works:
The group is led by a trained facilitator with our proven curriculum that’s been used for over 20 years in 150 countries. Over 400,000 people have participated in a Healing Group.
The group lessons use art, stories, activities and discussion questions to help people engage deeply with themselves, with God, and with each other.
Within the safe space of Healing Groups, people find their voice, tell their story, and unlock doors that have been closed to healing. They read the Bible to hear what God has to say about suffering. They learn about the journey of healing, and they begin to forgive those who have hurt them.
Life-Changing Results
In Healing Groups, people discover they are not alone.
Trauma has caused me to think so little of myself at a core level. This program helped me delve very deep into what trauma does and how strong the heart wounds are. It has helped me to grow stronger and more loving toward myself. The Scriptures have been invaluable in informing me of how God wants and helps to heal us.
Denise, Small Group Participant