Equipping churches to be places of healing.

Trauma, grief, and loss exist in every community. We believe every church can be a place of healing.

That’s why we’re offering an innovative suite of programs that work with resources churches already have: small groups, caring leaders, and faith in God’s boundless love.

Understanding Trauma Healing in The Church

The first thing church leaders can do to help the hurting in their communities is to learn about trauma. Here are a few free resources to get you started.

Learn about trauma

Wounds of the heart can make people feel isolated from their relationships, their bodies, their thoughts and their faith.

Learn how to recognize trauma

This resource walks you through the three most common ways trauma presents itself in people’s lives. Within each of the three items, you will find in this resource things to know, what the Bible has to say about it, and one action step that may help.

Learn about trauma in the U.S.

On average, 2 in 5 congregants have experienced some form of trauma. Learn about the needs and responses in rural, suburban, and urban communities in the U.S.

3 ways to make a difference


You can help a friend or loved one share their pain by asking just three simple questions, and listening without offering judgment or solutions.


This discussion guide helps your team learn about trauma and trauma healing in a small group setting. It can work as one two-hour session with breaks; two 45-minute sessions; three 45-minute sessions, or whatever format best fits your group.

Lead Small Groups

Be one of the first to use the Trauma Healing Institute (THI) app-based small group program. We’ll give you the training and resources you need to help hurting people in your community find healing.

Why bring a Trauma Healing program to your church?

We know the scripture, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” 

But how can someone love God in that way when their heart, soul and mind have been wounded by trauma, grief, or loss? How can they engage with scripture or live an abundant life when their inmost being, their way of understanding, their thought patterns and emotions have been damaged, and they hurt so deeply? They can begin by processing their pain in a safe place.

That safe place could be your church.

Use our app-based small group program.